SOCS Membership
ONLY $10!
Our SOCS membership provides you with many great deals on and off-campus!
Enjoy the following discounts at these locations:
10% off at Boston Pizza
15% off of Pinks
Two free toppings at TCBY
Allure Fitness
Discounted Formal Tickets
Want opportunities to fast track making connections and gain a life-long group of friends, while also having fun? SOCS throws formals, trips, paint nights, board game socials, pub outings, club nights, study sessions, and so much more! We have everything from high-energy to low-energy events! Your membership allows you to attend all these events!
Looking for a way to connect? Our mentorship program is a great way to make friends and receive social & academic support! First-years are paired with upper-years, who will give personalized guidance and support concerning all aspects of university life. We have currently closed our registration to be a mentor and a mentee, however, we are always looking to add more people! Email socsvpeducation@gmail.com to be paired with your missing SOC(K)S!
Memberships include a free spot on three of our intramural teams each semester! Any skill level accepted! McMaster intramurals are usually $100+ yet, with your SOCS membership, you can access them for FREE! for the Fall 2019 term, we are registered in Volleyball, Soccer, and Ultimate Frisbee!
To sign up, you will need to make an account on IMLeagues and register on the website: https://www.imleagues.com/spa/portal/home. After that, look for the SOCS team and request to join. Please email VP Athletics (socsvpathletics@gmail.com) once you have sent in a request. You are also welcome to drop in and join our games anytime!
Being active in the SOCS community means having the chance to attend events and be part of the SOCS family! Living off-campus at first may seem to be a barrier to making life-long friendships. In reality, through SOCS, there is an enthusiastic, welcoming, inclusive family waiting for you!